As many of you have duly noted my hair has gone from red to boring brown and is now quite long. While the thought of coloring my hair does not interest me with my limited water supply I finally did get my hair cut this past week. Regina recommended a place that she and the children go to – Gee’s. Upon entering the second floor salon (through a bakery named Gins) the ammonia smell of yesteryear salons hits you full on. In the rather modern room sit three chairs to cut and three basins to have your hair washed. Regina came with me as both she and her son Jason wanted haircuts also. I was first up. The young girl behind the front desk washed my hair (cold water only) and then proceeded to massage my scalp and face. Finally she led me to the chair where “Edward scissor-hand” was strapping on a fanny pack filled with a variety of cutting tools. Regina told him I wanted it short and he understood the word “spikes”. With a flourish of hands he began by giving me a razor cut in the back and up the sides. Not exactly what I had in mind – but as Ihave always said – it grows back. Next came a flurry of activity with three different pairs of scissors and his movements were so quick that’s when I began to smile and think of Johnny Depp’s character clipping the bushes along the side of the house. My Edward scissor hand would stop, step back, see a misplaced hair and begin his flurry of activity again. This went on for a half hour. I don’t have that much hair! After he was sufficiently satisfied he nodded to the young girl who came and washed my hair again. (I guess after such a grueling workout my hair needed a cold wash). After placing me back in the chair, she sprayed some mist into my hair and again massaged my head. Afterwards, another young man came along and placed styling gel into my hair and began to arrange my hair, one follicle at a time. For this hour of pampering I was charged – 27,625.00 rupiahs. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture yet – my camera batteries died and I need to get new ones – then you will all get to see my $3.00 haircut.