Now that the torrential rains have been here every day, it can get very soggy, and new housemates appear every day. This lovely snail was on my kitchen wall, and his friend was on my wok. I left this one alone on the wall, but really had to wrestle his friend to get off the wok. They are rather big and messy.
I also have something running in my walls and ceiling the last couple of nights. The house next to me is getting ready for a new tenant- so I think they disturbed a rodent of some type. I just hope I don't see it or them face to face during a thunderstorm.
The rains have been so strong lots of flooding, and as I write this my bedroom ceiling is leaking. I've moved the bed, away from the wall as the water is streaming down. But I won't be able to get anyone to fix it tonight - it Sunday evening at 5:00 pm here. Hopefully tomorrow the school handy man can do something. But I suspect I will just have to live with it.
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