Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Morning

It's Sunday morning a great time to make your afternoon and evening meals since it gets so hot as the day progresses. I know I've been here too long when I get the pot from the drying rack and out flies a lizard and I don't flinch. I just wash the pot and keep on going. I also have the backdoor open to let in some fresh air. Of course there are no screens on the doors or windows, so in hops a rather large frog. It's sad, I hear myself saying to the frog, "Sorry, you can't stay in here, you're too big." He has a cousin (or brother/sister?) who is a resident of our house. The smaller relative keeps to the bathroom or my room. Unfortunately late last night as I was going into the bathroom, I stepped on the little fellow. Who knew frogs squeak? I'm happy to report, he's still alive and hopping in our house!

1 comment:

Terra di Mare said...

You know, I always heard that that if you kiss one of those frogs.......

Oh, wait, I think we did that in our 20s.

But hey, one never knows, do one?

Kisses (the non-frog kind) to you, dear. I love the photos!