Saturday, July 29, 2017

New building at SPB

There are bridges connecting the older building with the new one.  I'm still wandering around getting lost!
The gym is on the 4th floor- very hot!  I played basketball here last Wednesday night.  I was more of the assist person!

Courtyard at SPB

This is my favorite area of the new building.  With the glass and curved edges it's both inviting but very modern.

Cafeteria at SPB

Outdoor dining!

Finally a moment to post

For those of you who believe I am always traveling and hardly working!
I met with the teachers the second day I was here and have been logging 9 -10 hour days. I'm enjoy the work and the people and getting use to the new building.  Here are some pictures of the "middle school/high school building.

The chairs are very comfortable - with cup holders - I feel like I am in a movie theater!