Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunset at Gili Trawangon

We rented bikes to explore the island and go to the southern end to watch the sunset. Afterwards Mr. Deni's bike got a flat, so the children and I continued to go around the rest of the island. BIG MISTAKE. It got dark very quickly, the road was no longer a road but deep sand. Most of the time we had to walk the bikes, but occasionally we could ride. Then Tasha's bike chain fell off. I couldn't fix it in the dark, but managed to get covered in grease. We walked for over an hour in the dark with bats swooping nearby. Apparently Jason overheard a man say not to go that way because it was too desolate and the sand too deep. He didn't tell me because he thought I wanted an adventure! Tired, hot and cranky we returned the bikes to the rental shop only to be told I owed extra for keeping it for so long. Even with my English he understood I was not paying him anymore, since it was his bike that broke!

1 comment:

yocous22 said...

OMG, 1st mistake, bike ride, lol you are so much better then me. I would be waiting for the taxi still! You are adventurous, helpful, caring, I Love my friend! Enjoy you deserve it!