Our first day of school! The parents came with the students to meet us and get their supplies and books. That's Medy on the right (the wedding I went to ) and Anna is on the left. She is getting married August 4th.
Notice we all have the same shirts- they are called batik. Batik is a traditional fabric of Indonesia, and Cirebon is famous for it. It's a process using wax and a pen to create the designs.
God bless you Carol. You look beautiful and quite at home with your fellow teachers.
You are going to have funnnnnnnnn!! Now, take it easy with the singing until they get used to you. Do you think the kids would enjoy a little bit of salsa?
Carol, You look lovely. I hope you keep the shirt. But your hair, I miss the spiky red hair! I know the kids will love you.
You do look great. Your family must be so proud. What great missionary work you are doing. A great role model to the kids there and the children here. If you think about it you are using God given gifts and talents to make the WORLD a better place. How awesome is that!!!
Good luck with the start of school
Michele T.
Sounds like everyone there is getting married. Maybe you'll be next!!!!!!
Shhh , Melissa don't tell Carol that, we told her she is not allowed to marry, she will not come home.
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