This is my newest nightly neighbor and I've named him Tony the tokek. He is nocturnal and makes a horrible sound throughout the night. However, I'd rather he make those sounds, since then I know where he is while I am cooking or cleaning up in my outdoor kitchen.
I did not actually take this picture- I wouldn't get that close to Tony. They will bite and then they grab on to their prey. The only way to get them off is with fire, or until they hear thunder. Which is very unlikely until November.
Oh my GOD (sorry to use the Lord's name in vain). That thing is ugly. How are you living with that? It is a wonder you are getting any sleep with all your visitors or should I say roommates. I would keep lots of candles and matches with me in case you need to burn it. Be careful.
Do you have access to ALCOHOL? I agree with Michele, keep the matches handy.
Ms. Hope-
You don't think you'll encounter anything like this sleeping in a hammock in the Amazon??? At least Tony is outside
I agree with michele t. I don't think I could sleep well at night with this thing lurking around.
Hey, I am catching up, WOW, Marky would love that. Just think I wouldn't need any tanks in my house, they just live among the humans. Nice, I cant believe you are used to the critters.
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