Meidy's headdress is made from jasmine buds. The tradition states that if you are anxious to marry quickly you are to sneak up and snatch a jasmine bud from the headdress, without the bride's knowledge. Then you are to put it under your pillow. Not to worry - I did not attempt that!
You mean to tell me you didn't jump at the chance to snatch a jasmine bud? With the shape you are in you could have beat everyone else out for one. Good for you. Run as far the other way as you can. Ha, Ha. Just kidding. I love being married, some days at least.
Michele T.
Wow, I can't believe you didn't jump over the mountain and keep your hands planted in your pocket, so no one would attempt to stick a bud in your pocket. lol I am surprised you didn't have 100 comments on this one.
sure you didn't...
The clothing is beautiful! We are all such creatures of tradition, no matter what the belief a special occasion such as this brings out all the formality, customs, clothing and beyond, that is important in our celebration. How fun for you to be part of something like this and yes..what an honor!!!
Did you pay big bucks for the invitation or .....do they like you??
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