Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday's Little Adventure

The gentleman standing saw me take the other man's picture, and he said he wanted one of himself also! 

Sunday we are going to have a BBQ at Ms. Medi's home.  The fact that she just gave birth to her second baby boy two weeks ago, is not deterring her from have 20 people over.  Many of the local teachers are cooking, so we ex-Pats decided we would supply the fish for the BBQ,  Off we went, three Americans (me being the oldest- old enough to be these two young girls' mother) and Ibu Femi, a friend of Regina's.  Regina could not go, as she was in Jakarta picking up her children from camp in Bali. Ibu Femi's English is about as good as my Bahasa, so I knew it could be quite an adventure.  After getting lost down a few dusty, dirty, bumpy roads, we finally found the "fish market". Most of the fresh fish are sitting in tubs of lukewarm water with flies swarming around.After Ibu Femi bartered with the shopkeepers, the fish was descaled on a wooden board that rested on the stone floor. He then also gutted the fish.  I kept reminding myself how good it will taste once it is grilled.

Behind the woman is a mound of stingray that just laying on the floor.

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